Video tutorials

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Installing the game on Windows 🔗

Download the 1.2 installer and open it. You will be prompted to select a folder to install to. By default this points to wherever the installer is located, so all you need to do is add SRB2Kart at the end of the text box then hit "Extract".

Once it's done extracting, open the newly-made SRB2Kart folder and use "SRB2Kart (Standard).bat" or "SRB2Kart (OpenGL).bat" to open the game.

Do NOT install to Program Files. This will cause several issues with loading the game and saving your data, so keep it somewhere like your Desktop or Documents folder.

♪ zinger & bacter - Yamaha Action

Upgrading a Kart 1.1 install to 1.2 on Windows 🔗

Download the 1.2 patch, open the .zip file and drag all of its contents to your existing Kart install. Select "Replace the files in the destination" when asked to.

♪ tenfour - CAVE BOUNCER

Using addons via the addons menu 🔗

Visit the SRB2 forums to download some sweet addons. Place the files anywhere inside your Kart install—I suggest making an "addons" folder and throwing everything there.

Inside the game, navigate to the Addons menu and select your recently downloaded files from there.

Do note that doing this will make you unable to join multiplayer servers. If you'd like to play with addons online, restart your game and join a server without loading anything—the game will automatically download everything for you.


Using an IP address to join a server 🔗

Head to Multiplayer → Specify IPv4 Address, type the IP of your choice then press Enter to connect.

The IP for RDX Team Sonic Racing is used as an example for this video.

♪ 猫叉Master - イザナミノナゲキ

Alternatively: go the title screen, open the console, use the connect command then paste the IP of your choice.

The IP for :D? nonstop vanilla is used as an example for this video.

♪ Xceon - Alpheratz

Saving a resolution as the default 🔗

Select your desired resolution 3 times: one to preview, one to select, and one to save as the default.

Getting through HOSTMOD's custom button check 🔗

From the pause screen, go to Options... → Control setup... → Player 1 controls... then scroll all the way down. Bind all 3 custom buttons to something easily accessible to you on your keyboard or controller, then exit all menus and press the ones it asks you to. You'll be able to join the game if you did this correctly.

♪ DUNE & M-Project & GUHROOVY - Technicolour Dreams

Joining your own dedicated server 🔗

Open Kart with the -port 0 -connect localhost parameters.

On Windows, the easiest way to do this is by copying the "SRB2Kart (Standard).bat" file included with your install, renaming it, adding those parameters and using that to open the game.

If you changed your server's port then you'll need to specify it on the -connect parameter, e.g. -connect localhost:1337

♪ Camellia - FM Synthesis Experiment

Querying servers on the Master Server web view 🔗

Click on the little "note" icon to the left of a server's IP, then scroll back up to the top of the page to view more information about it.

♪ Snail's House - Magical

Changing the Server Browser Address back to the default 🔗

From the main menu, go to Multiplayer → Server options... → Advanced server options... and make sure that "Server Browser Address" is set to — if it isn't, change it back.

NOTE FOR BIRDHOUSE USERS: You'll want to write instead!

So, you put SRB2 and Kart in the same folder 🔗

The easiest way you can fix this is by reinstalling both games and keeping them in their own separate folders.

♪ RINA - IDOL syndrome.